On this page you will find an interactive tool which provides a comprehensive view of the data collected through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. A National Voice used an FOI to investigate what different local authorities provided in their Setting Up Home Allowance for care leavers
The table includes responses from all Local Authorities that responded to the FOI.
This FOI was conducted between March to April 2024.
How to Use the Tool
The visualisations on the dashboard include data from all local authorities. If you wish to focus on specific authorities, you can use the slicer available on the second tab to select your desired local authorities.
To select multiple authorities, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. Additional dropdown slicers are available on the third and fourth tabs, functioning in the same way and synced with the slicer on the second tab.
All graphs and charts in this dashboard are interactive. For example, selecting a column or pie slice will display detailed insights related to that response. For instance, clicking on the “Yes” slice in the “Broadband” pie chart will reveal how that group responded to other questions, offering deeper insights into the data. Similarly to the slicer, hold down the CTRL key to make multiple selections.
For the bar graph on the third tab, local authorities categorized under the “0” section indicate those that did not respond to the corresponding question.