‘Change the Label’ campaign launched

22 Jun 20

Today (22 June 2020) A National Voice launches its first virtual campaign, ‘Change the Label’.

During lockdown, we have taken A National Voice’s work online, using the hashtag  #ANationalVoice to host a range of activities for children in care, care leavers and the people who work with us. This has included twitter conversations, zoom sessions, and an art club. 

The children and young people involved in A National Voice have spent the last month discussing the range of stigma that children in care and care leavers face, and have designed a new campaign to help us tackle this complex issue.

The campaign aims to change people’s perceptions to understand that care experienced children and young people are more than just a care status. We want to do this by using “Change the Label” cards, which have been designed by care experienced children and young people. We want both care experienced children and young people and the people who work with them to fill them out and share them on social media.

Get involved

We would greatly appreciate if you could join us by:

  • Completing a Change the Label card

For example:

Care Experienced supporter

I am more than my care status, I am… an artist/singer/creator and mother/business owner/social worker/parent/activist and friend/strong/resilient etc.”


You are more than your care status, I will… not use stigmatising language and challenge other when they do etc.”

  • Taking a photo with your completed card

Take a photo and send it to us at anv@coramvoice.org.uk.

Or tweet your picture, tagging @coramvoice and using the hastags #ChangetheLabel and #ANationalVoice.

Get in contact

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask by getting in touch with me via anv@coramvoice.org.uk.

Download your cards

Download the Care Experienced supporter card

Download the Care Allies card