Coram Voice back technology support for young people in lockdown

Coram Voice welcomes the Governments decision, announced yesterday (19 April 2020), to offer technological support for disadvantaged young people during the Covid-19 lockdown. The move will see disadvantaged children across England, care leavers, children with social worker support and year 10 pu

Coram Voice launch Manchester homeless outreach project

Coram Voice is delighted to be launching a specialist homeless outreach project in Manchester for young people facing issues around homelessness. This project, the second by Coram Voice, draws on our years of experience of providing homeless outreach advocacy in London. Our trusted independent Ho

Coram Voice Covid-19 and Lockdown Update

Following the new government announcement of a further lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we want to take this opportunity to give an update on our services for children and young people who are in care on the edges of care or care leavers. Always Heard Helpline Always Heard, our advocacy

Always Heard 2019 report

Read our 2019 report to find out about the  barriers to independent advocacy that young people face. Learn how Coram Voice's unique Always Heard service helps young people to challenge and overcome these barriers. Always Heard is the national advice and advocacy safety net for children and young

Our Lives, Our Care: Looked after children’s views on their well-being

In 2018, Bright Spots produced the Wales Bright Spots nationalr report available in English and Welsh. It details the findings from six local authorities in Wales who completed the Bright Spots Your Life, Your Care survey in six local authorities in Wales. OUR LIVES, OUR CARE Wales 2018: looked a