What is a pathway plan?

A Pathway Plan is written to plan how Children’s Services are going to support you to live independently.

A Pathway Plan is written to plan how Children’s Services are going to support you to live independently.

It is like a contract between you and Children’s Services, which you both have to agree on. It is an opportunity for you to have your say about how you want Children’s Services to support you, until you feel confident to live independently.

What goes into a Pathway Plan?

  • Health

If you have any worries about your health this should be included in your Pathway Plan.

This is not just your physical health, but also mental health and support with living a healthy lifestyle (such as helping you pay for a gym membership or membership to a sports club).

  • Education, training and employment

Any support you need to achieve your career goals should be written in your Pathway Plan.

This includes clear aims for what you need to achieve your goals and how your council will support you (for example, complete a college course). Children’s Services can also support you financially (for example, paying for a laptop or tools).

  • Family and social network

Your plan should say how Children’s Services will help you have good relationships with your family, friends and anyone else with whom you value in your life.

If you are unhappy with the arrangements to keep in contact with your family, you can challenge them.

  • Identity

If you need any extra support with language, religion, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation, make sure you explain what you need to Children’ Services. They have to support you. They can also help with your ID documents and accessing your file.

  • Money

Your plan should state what your financial entitlements are, how much you will get and when you will get it. It will cover budgeting, any benefits you are entitled too and any savings you may have.

It is important your financial plan is reasonable so make sure you have your say.

  • Accommodation

You should have regular assessments of you current accommodation and your future accommodation.

This should include location, safety, bills and rent. You should be included in any changes in your accommodation and a plan should be in place before you have to move. If you are not happy where you live, say something.

Things to remember

  • Your Pathway Plan should be reviewed every six months, but you can ask for it to be reviewed at any time.
  • If there are any major changes in your life your Pathway Plan should be reviewed and you should be given a signed copy of the new plan.
  • If you disagree with your PA/social worker this should be noted to make sure everyone’s point of view is clear.
  • Other people can be asked about your plan, such as your family, foster carer, teachers, health services, IRO and advocate (but not without you knowing).
  • The last year of your pathway plan should focus on support you can get while living independently. This should include lists of who’s there to help you, what they can do and how you can get in touch.