What is an Advocate and how can they help me?

“I found having an advocate gave me confidence to speak out and say what I think.”

An Advocate is different from any other professional.

They are there to help and support you and to make sure you are involved in all decisions about your life. Advocates also help you speak out when things go wrong. They make sure you know your rights and help you to get the support you need from Children’s Services.

What is an Advocate and how can they help me?

  • An Advocate works for you, and no one else.
  • They make sure you understand what workers say and help you say what you want to say.
  • They tell you about your rights and the things that you should get from services, workers, carers or where you are living.
  • If you are not happy about how you are treated, they can help you sort out any problems or concerns.
  • They can go to meetings with you or speak to others about what you want and feel.

Read our accessible advocacy explanation with widgit symbols

Find out more

To find out more about how to get an advocate you can contact our Advocacy Helpline or Find your Local Advocate.