Children and staff from across Sheffield social care discussed the Bright Spots survey findings and voted on the top issues to prioritise. One of areas chosen to focus on was young people’s poor body image and low self-esteem.
A working group of young people was formed to develop and progress ideas related to promoting positive body image. After some discussion children decided they wanted to host a fashion show to inspire younger children in care. The group made links with local community organisations and engaged their help with music, staging and lighting for the event. They also worked with a dancer and drama coach to improve their confidence and movement. Children chose their own backing track & positive message to say.
Invites for the event were designed and the event was described as all about ‘loving ourselves and yourself as you are’. Children wanted the evening to be a celebration. Making sure those who came along had fun was a top priority. Over 150 people came along. On the night there was the chance for people to have their hair or make-up one, to use fancy dress in the photo booth and enjoy food
People then enjoyed watching the fashion show together. Eighteen children and young people took to the runway. Everyone wore a customised white t-shirt with positive message slogans. The evening ended with a disco.
The fashion show event was well attended with positive feedback. In order to keep the findings from Bright Spots high on the agenda a new scrutiny structure – led by young people – has been put in place in Sheffield. Each of the priority groups from the Corporate parenting board have been challenged to develop action plans to respond to the Bright Spots findings (including improving positive body image).
Young people will oversee and review the action planning progress.