The evaluation of the Your Life, Your Care surveys was conducted by Dr Shirley Lewis and Prof. Julie Selwyn at the Rees Centre at the University of Oxford in 2020-21. The evaluation involved interviews with senior leaders, the virtual school, participation workers and social workers, and focus groups with looked after children in six LAs in England. As part of the evaluation, examples of changes to policy and practice were collected and are available in the Practice Innovation databank.
The Bright Spots evaluation found that local authority staff were able to identify policy and practice changes that had resulted either directly or indirectly from their involvement in the Bright Spots Programme.
Some changes were small and easy to implement (e.g. North Somerset changed the language used by professionals to be more child focused) whereas others were bigger and strategic (Isle of Wight involved care leavers in commissioning new supported living accommodation).
The participation workers and the Children in Council were often at the heart of considering the survey findings and setting the priorities for action.