We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 A National Voice Awards.
The A National Voice Awards champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums in England. We are excited to be hosting the third awards this October. The date for the Amplify event is yet to be announced – watch this space!
Nomination Criteria
The A National Voice Awards are open to children in care councils and participation projects – junior children in care councils, children in care councils, care leaver forums and other projects within children’s social care in England. Awards are for children in care and care leavers aged between 4 and 25 years old, who are looked after children or care leavers and who are full time residents of England.
Read the full terms and conditions here before submitting your entry (PDF).
Nomination Categories:
Campaign Award
This category might include groups that have been involved in creating or partaking in a meaningful campaign.
Participation Award
This category might include groups that have been actively involved in participation within their local authority.
The Voice Award
This category might include groups that have shared their story in order to improve the care system.
The Collaboration Award
This category might include groups that have worked together with other groups, local authorities, regions etc. on shared interests and topics.
The Digital Award
This category might include groups that have worked on or created a resource using digital means I.E. videos, social media campaigns, webpages and more. In addition, creating spaces for groups to come together.
Nominate now!
Entries close on the 20 September.
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