Tackling the language of care – training video

North Yorkshire Care Champions made a training film for professionals about what needs to change and ways to better support children and young people in care.


The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – North Yorkshire were nominated in the ‘Campaign award’. Watch the video here.


The group led the project & worked together sharing lots of experiences & ‘hard truths’ for professionals; in the film young people act out short scenarios relating to social worker practice continuity, staying connected and being mindful of language.

The work was one of the winners at the ANV awards with young people judges saying: “Great that the video is used for training. I also like that there are photos of how young people felt during the planning. It’s clear that all ideas have been listened to that were put forward by young people. The video is a really good example of a campaign. The idea is a great one, the topic is important as it is a national issue and needs to be addressed and talked about. Young people definitely come across as the main focus. Keep going you’ve really got something.”


The group want to make sure social workers and managers sit up and listen to the messages in the video. It is now used as part of training for newly qualified social workers – it has also been shown at conferences and in meetings with the Director. Those involved reflected on their involvement and why this was important to them saying, “every young person had all their ideas listened to and put forward.”

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