Meaningful communication: Advocating for the wishes and feelings of young people with disabilities – Part 2

At Coram Voice we know that all young people have a right to be consulted on decisions being made about their lives. However, some young people with disabilities will need additional support and adjustments, in order to fully understand these decisions and communicate their wishes and feelings.

This training will provide an opportunity to reflect on the challenges for professionals of communicating meaningfully with young people who have disabilities, learning difficulties or additional communication needs, and the role of an advocate in supporting this communication. There will be space for participants to think about adapting their own language or communication style to meet the needs of different young people. We will also explore some of the tools that could be used to elicit wishes and feelings from young people with disabilities, as well as good practice in creating wishes and feelings reports on their behalf.

There will be various interactive small group activities throughout the workshops, such as case studies, games and role plays: so be ready to try out your skills in practice!

Important notes:

  • Joining instructions will be distributed once places are confirmed.
  • Spaces are limited: For those external to Coram Voice,  there is currently no cost to join these sessions, but we may have to limit places to one person per organisation, if the workshops are oversubscribed.


Emma Robinson