Meet AdvoCat, your advocacy superhero!

If you are growing up in care, or have a social worker and feel like adults are not really listening to how you feel about things and people are making decisions about you, not with you, AdvoCat can help you find support.

“I’m AdvoCat and I’m here to help you get your voice heard.”

If you are growing up in care, or have a social worker and feel like adults are not really listening to how you feel about things and people are making decisions about you, not with you, AdvoCat can help you find support.

Who is AdvoCat?

AdvoCat helps put children and young people in touch with an ‘Advocate’, someone who is here to make sure your voice is heard loud and clear. This means anything you want to say or know about your time in care, AdvoCat can support you.

An Advocate can help you in many ways:

  • Always be on your side.
  • Tell you about your rights and give you information and advice about the things you should get from Children’s Services, your social worker, foster carer or where you are living.
  • Go with you to meetings with your social worker.
  • Help sort out any problems or concerns if you are worried about how you are being treated by Children’s Services.
  • Make sure you understand what professionals are saying and help you to say what you want, making sure people listen to you.

Download Advocat resources

What is an advocate and what colour do you think AdvoCat should be? Download our free worksheets.

Download and colour in AdvoCat Draw your own AdvoCat! Download the AdvoCat comic! (PDF)