Independent Persons for Secure Accommodation Reviews

Coram Voice is the main provider of Independent Persons for Secure Reviews in England and Wales.

Our Independent Persons are experts in Secure Accommodation Panels and have been selected, trained and DBS checked in accordance with Coram Voice’s rigorous procedures. They ensure that the young person’s wishes and feelings are represented.

If you are in need of a professional for this purpose, complete our referral form.

For any other questions about our service, please email or call 020 7833 5792.


Read our good practice guide to Secure Accommodation Reviews

This good practice guide has been developed as a reference tool for professionals involved in Secure Accommodation Reviews for young people held in secure accommodation for welfare reasons, under Section 25 of the Children Act 1989.

This document provides a clear step-by-step guide, which is compliant with the relevant legislation. It includes a wealth of experience developed over a number of years by Coram Voice’s own Independent Persons as well as examples of good practice supplied by local authorities and secure homes from around the country.

Secure Acccommodation Reviews: a good practice guide
It was a pleasure to work alongside her. Her knowledge and contribution is invaluable at such meetings.
Secure Accommodation Review Chair