The Grand Campaign: £3,000 for every care leaver – clear rights, fair support and freedom to choose

  • 29 October 2024

As stated in the DfE Transition into Adulthood Guidance, all local authorities should help care leavers with the costs of setting up their new home. This help is usually called the Setting Up Home Allowance or the Leaving Care Grant. On 1 April 2023, the Government raised the minimum amount for this allowance from £2,000 to £3,000.

This money is meant to help care leavers buy essentials like furniture, appliances, and other things they need when moving into their first independent home.
Local authorities are in charge of giving out this allowance.

The increase was part of the Government’s plan to improve children’s social care.
A National Voice (ANV) found that not all local authorities are giving the full £3,000, and the rules can be different depending on where you live, so they started the Grand Campaign to look into this.

Read the report (PDF)