A National Voice (ANV) announce new ambassadors

  • 10 May 2022

Coram Voice have welcomed a new group of ambassadors for A National Voice (ANV), the National Children in Care Council for England.

The 18 ANV Ambassadors aged 16-25 represent England (divided into nine regions) and will come together to work on campaigns, hold events and work to ensure that children in care councils are given a voice.

The new recruits began the year as Ambassadors in March 2022 and have been working on getting to know each other and their role.

To start their year off, the ambassadors wanted to introduce themselves along with what they are looking forward to and hoping to do in the year ahead. Crucially they have also been working on their next campaign, which was chosen as mental health and wellbeing, following a national survey voted for by care experienced child and young people.

The survey was influenced by the Bright Spots survey, which has spoken to over 17,000 children in and leaving care identified four top areas

  • Enable better relationships with family and friends.
  • Help us to have trusted adults.
  • Make us feel safe and settled at home.
  • Support our mental health and wellbeing.

The survey was shared with Children in Care Councils and  on social media for any with ‘mental health and wellbeing’ receiving 42% of the votes.

ANV Ambassadors have also been involved in the Independent Care Review, submitting their ‘what children and young people want to tell the independent care review’ which involved 31 local authorities and over 300 children and young people. The Independent Care Review are due to release their recommendations report in June 2022. In preparation for this, ANV Ambassadors have joined with other children’s charities to plan ‘It’s Our Care day of action’ at the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 22 June. ANV will join over 100 other care experienced young people to talk to MPs and Minsters about the recommendations and what they would like to see happen next.

ANV Ambassadors would like any children in care councils or individuals to get in contact with them. They can be contacted through ANV@coramvoice.org.uk