Get involved in ‘Stable Homes, Built on Love’

  • 20 June 2023

Coram Voice are excited to announce new opportunities for care experienced children and young people to inform the Government’s new plans for Children’s Social Care and we want you to get involved

The Department for Education (DfE) have contracted Coram Voice to work with policy officials to facilitate engagement sessions and focus groups with children and young people with lived experience of the care system over the next 12 months through A National Voice (ANV).

A National Voice is the ‘National Children in Care Council’ for children in care and care leavers aged 11-25, who are passionate about how the care system works and how it affects those within it. ANV had a key role in getting young voices heard in the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care we are now excited to do the same as the Government implement their plans for change set out in ‘Stable Homes, Built on Love’.

Our plan

We will be looking at different topics over the next year (we will share these as soon as they are finalised).  All feedback will be shared with the DfE.

  • Children and young people will be able to take part in online polls, online sessions and in-person workshops at our annual Amplify event in October.
  • We will also develop session packs that you can run with groups locally, and collect information about any relevant participation work you have already done
  • We want to help the DfE understand how to best listen to children and young people. As part of this we are mapping current participation groups.
  • There will also be opportunities for participation workers to share their views directly with DfE.

Get involved

We have created an online form for participation workers and anyone doing voice/participation work with children and young people who have lived experience of the care system.

Please fill this out using the link below:

A National Voice and Stable Homes, Built on Love – Sign up to get involved.

Our regular newsletter will have further updates about upcoming sessions, what came out of sessions, and links to polls and activities that can be completed individually or taken back to groups you work with.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch at