Coram Voice has joined with other charities and organisations to express concern for the new legal changes brought in by the government that will see 16 and 17 years olds in care expected to live independently.
The new law discriminates on the basis of age as a way of making decisions about where children in care live in England. This will result in an increase in unregulated accommodation, which means children in care live in accommodation that can be unsuitable, puts them at risk of harm and denies them the support they need to transition into adulthood.
We believe that children are children until they turn 18 and support should be consistent throughout their time in care. The state has a responsibility to ensure that all young people in care are provided security and support until they are adults.
Brigid Robinson Managing Director of Coram Voice said “We know from our national advocacy services that many young people in unregulated accommodation are living in accommodation that is completely unsuitable, placing them at risk of exploitation and harm should not happen.
“Children are children until the age of 18 and have a right to support and care. This should be no different for children in care. They should get the support and care they need to feel safe and thrive.
“By denying children the right to supported care, the government is creating a dangerous and discriminatory situation that could prove incredibly harmful to the lives of children in care now and in the future”.
As a result of theses changes we have signed Article 39’s open letter, along with 54 other organisations, to challenge the law change and we fully support the #KeepCaringto18 campaign.
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