Meeting with Independent Care Review team

  • 8 April 2021

On 23 March 2021, Coram Voice and the Rees Centre presented on the findings from the Bright Spots programme to the Independent Care Review Team.  

To date, over 15,000 children in care and care leavers from more than 50 local authorities have participated in the Bright Spots surveys, that explore how children and young people feel about their lives, based on the things that are important to them. The presentation titled ‘The Subjective Well-being of Children in Care and Care Leavers’ was delivered by Coram Voice Head of Policy and Practice Development Linda Briheim-Crookall and Professor Julie Selwyn from the Rees Centre at the University of Oxford. In it, we shared findings from our Bright Spots programme which attained views from care experienced children and young people about what has worked and what hasn’t worked in the care system for them, and how it has affected their well-being to date.

This work is part of our commitment to ensuring that children and young people’s voices are heard in the review, which includes the work that A National Voice ambassador group are doing to provide a route for children in care councils and participation teams around the country to input into the review.

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