Specialist training on the rights of disabled young people in transition

  • 9 January 2020

Thanks to a £60,000 grant from the Masonic Charitable Foundation to Coram Voice we are able to assist colleagues across the advocacy and children’s rights sector by offering free spaces on our Transition planning: The rights of disabled young people and how to advocate for them training course on Tuesday 4th February 2020.

At Coram Voice, we know that the transition from children’s to adult’s social care can be a challenging time for young people with disabilities. That’s why Emma Robinson our Specialist Advocate for Children and Young People with Disabilities has developed this training course for advocates and other professionals who are supporting disabled young people through the transition planning process.

This training will provide an invaluable opportunity to reflect on the challenges disabled young people face at times of transition, and how we can support them to make this process work well by ensuring that their rights are upheld.

Learning outcomes:

  • Explain what is meant by transition for young people with disabilities, and the common issues and barriers they face at times of transition
  • Identify the factors that promote a positive/smooth transition
  • List the  different legislation which relates to various aspects of transition, and know how this underpins young people’s rights
  • Describe how as advocates we can support young people with disabilities at times of transition

 Who this course is for:

The course is designed for those undertaking advocacy on behalf of disabled children who are making the transition from children’s to adult’s social care and leaving care services. The course focuses specifically on the complex issues associated with transition within social care, and the content may be challenging for those with no experience of Non Instructed Advocacy or transition issues. If you would like to discuss the course content/suitability further, you are welcome to contact Emma Robinson (emma.robinson@coramvoice.org.uk).

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a general introduction to working with young people with disabilities and this is not an introduction to Non Instructed Advocacy, which is covered in a separate course.

Transition planning: The rights of disabled young people and how to advocate for them

Emma Robinson, Specialist Advocate for Children and Young People with Disabilities

The Story Studio
Coram Campus
41 Brunswick Square

Tuesday 4th February 2020, 10:00 – 16:00

Book a place:
If you would like to attend, please request a place please contact us –learning.dev@coramvoice.org.uk.

Please note: In case this course is oversubscribed, we will initially offer one place only to each organisation applying.

Lunch is not provided, however there will be teas and coffees available.