East Riding: Understanding why you are in care using pathway planning

East Riding’s pathway planning process involves asking young people, ‘Do you have any questions about why you became looked after?’.


Understanding your history and having a full understanding of the reasons you went into care are important for young people developing a sense of themselves and recovering from past trauma.


  • In East Riding the pathway planning process contains a specific question in the ‘identity and interests’ section which asks: ‘Do you have any questions about why you became looked after?’
  • The question acts as a trigger for discussions with young people and is a prompt for leaving care workers to check with their young person every now and again whether they feel happy with the knowledge they have and to ask if there is any support they need with this area.


The vast majority (87%) of care-experienced young adults in East Riding felt the reasons why they were in care had been fully explained; a much higher percentage than the average (77%) for other local authorities.

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