Improving the emotional health and well-being of care experienced children and young people in Warrington

Warrington devoloped new roles and services to ensure care-experienced children and young people have immediate access to practical and emotional support


To ensure care experienced young people have immediate access to support services when they are struggling with their emotional health and well-being.

What did they do?

  • Engaged with the Voluntary Sector (Cheshire Community Partnership & Pure Insights) to jointly fund an Emotional Health & Wellbeing service for Care Leavers.
  • Pure Insights in partnership with Warrington Children in Care & Care Leavers Service have appointed an Emotional Health & Wellbeing worker and Trauma Informed Counsellor.
  • The Emotional Health & Wellbeing worker is co-located with the Care Leavers team.
  • Within 3 months of the service launching 21 young people were receiving a weekly 1:1 intervention from the psychological wellbeing worker which include; learning self care coping strategies, learning self regulatory skills, understanding trauma and the impact it has on physical and emotional wellbeing, understanding their own story and what impact that has on them now.
  • 19 have completed initial well-being goals.
  • 14 have completed Resilience wheels.
  • A beach trip took place for 25 young people plus 5 team members in addition to an Alton Towers trip for 25 care leavers and 5 of the team to coincide with Care Leavers Week.

What difference is it making?

  • Giving young people immediate access to psychological well-being support.
  • Helping young people build trusting relationships.
  • Identifying sources of support in for young people in existing networks or in the wider community.
  • Identifying helpful/healthy and unhelpful/unhealthy relationships.
  • Supporting young people to remain in the same accommodation.
  • Supporting young people to get access to Education, Employment and Training.