Staying Connected webinar

A webinar exploring the Bright Spots Staying Connected report on looked after children and young people’s feelings about contact and family time.

Following the publication of the Staying Connected report, Coram Voice and the Rees Centre at the University of Oxford wanted to share findings and open a discussion on this hugely important topic.

What you’ll get from this webinar:

  • Hear findings and recommendations from the Staying Connected report
  • The opportunity to reflect on what contact and family time means to you in your practice
  • Gain tools for continuing exploration of family time in your local authority – Hear from other local authorities on how they have made changes to practice around family time


Speakers in order of appearance:

  • Linda Briheim-Crookall: Head of Policy and Practice Development, Coram Voice
  • Julie Selwyn: Professor of Education and Adoption, Rees Centre, University of Oxford
  • Jonny Hoyle: Development Lead, North Yorkshire County Council
  • Dechaun Malcolm: Children’s Rights Officer, Southwark Council