Sheffield wanted to develop a way to make sure the messages from their children and young people about how they felt and what mattered to them were embedded into their strategic planning. To make sure things changed as a result they wanted to include children in this work on an on-going basis.
The Bright Spots survey findings were discussed at events with young people, carers and strategic leads. Priority areas for action were identified and these were mapped across to the corporate parenting strategy; 7 priorities such as health, education or placements. Each priority area has a lead manager (e.g. Virtual School Head; Assistant Director) and they were tasked to come up with action plan ideas to address the survey findings.
Young people have been supported to form a ‘reverse scrutiny panel’. At the first meeting, the lead manager had to present the ideas in the priority area action plan to the young people’s panel. Quarterly meetings are held where managers update young people on progress. Managers must submit progress reports one week in advance of the panel and young people come together to discuss and prepare for the panel.
This gives young people time to come up with questions and feedback of things they feel are on track as well as areas where managers need to do better.
Feedback suggests the quality of the plans are improved from young people’s scrutiny. Young people taking part report they feel listened to, empowered to challenge managers and believe their views are taken seriously.