Coram Voice celebrates 50 years of getting young voices heard   

  • 4 February 2025

Yesterday Coram Voice celebrated 50 years as the Voice of the Child in Care at an event in the House of Lords hosted by the Rt Hon. Baroness Butler-Sloss and Helen Hayes MP. We were delighted to be joined by young people, sector leaders, MPs and members of the House of Lords.

We have come far in the last 50 years and there is still more to do to make sure that we listen and act on the views of children and young people in and around the care system and make sure they understand their rights. This year we are calling for a triple key of commitments to unlock the future of the next generation of children and young people in and around the care system.

Our care ambition

1: No voice without action

Services are more effective when children and young people are seen and heard and adults both listen and act on what they say.



  • National mechanisms to ensure meaningful engagement with children and young people.
  • Measurement of the views and wellbeing children and young people in and leaving care.
  • Systematic collection of data to ensure accountability and responsiveness of the system.

2: A secure future

Address the needs of young people leaving care with a consistent national offer, underpinning the local offer and informed by young people’s needs and views.

  • Advocacy support for children and young people with health conditions and disabilities.
  • A national local offer for care leavers, ensuring consistency across local areas.
  • Access to tailored mental health support and extension of reimagined independent visitor services for care leavers.

3: Someone to stand by my side

Access to high quality, independent advocacy for children and young people to keep them safe, understood, and informed.


  • Legal entitlement to advocacy during assessments for children who are disabled, homeless or living in kinship arrangements.
  • Regular visiting advocacy for children in residential provision.
  • Publish updated national children’s advocacy standards and statutory guidance.

Pledge your support

Support us today by pledging your own commitment to listening to children and young people and ensuring that all who are dependent upon the care system can get the help they need. Every day, no matter where they live.

Pledge your support Read more about Coram Voice's story and ambitions