Improving mental health with an accessible allotment for care-experienced children and young people on the Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight provided an allotment for care experienced children and young people to enjoy nature, have fun and learn new skills


Having access to the natural world and the opportunity to take part in hobbies and activities can reduce stress and build resilience. Gardening has benefits for mental health and enhancing well-being.

The LA developed the allotment project to address these multiple factors highlighted in their Bright Spots reports.


The allotment can be used by all looked after children and care leavers. It is rent free with all the additional materials and plants raised through fund raising or provided by the local community.

The local authority offers an educational award in horticulture. The allotment has raised beds for those in wheelchairs. It is accessible for all.

What’s next?

Future developments planned include a therapeutic mental health group that will take place at the allotment and a ‘shed project’ to help young people learn to make things from wood and pallets.