Resource Type
Local Authority
East Riding: Understanding why you are in care using pathway planning
East Riding's pathway planning process involves asking young people, ‘Do you have any questions about why you became looked after?’.
Disability, disparity and demand report
Analysis of the numbers and experiences of children in care and care leavers with a disability or long-term health condition.
The long view: What do children tell us about being in care?
In this video Professor Julie Selwyn, Professor of Education and Adoption University of Oxford, discusses evidence and research which contain lessons for the care system
Your Life Beyond Care: disability and stigma
In this video Dr. Claire Baker shares key findings from the Bright Spots 'Your Life Beyond Care' survey, focusing on stigma and disability
Your Life Beyond Care: do care leavers understand why they were in care?
In this video Dr. Claire Baker shares key findings from the Bright Spots 'Your Life Beyond Care' survey about whether care leavers feel that someone has explained why they were in care
Promoting body positivity among children in care in Sheffield
Sheffield Children in Care Council organised a positive body image fashion show to encourage children to love themselves just the way they are.
An Evaluation of the Bright Spots Programme
This evaluation explores how local authorities had used the findings from the Bright Spots surveys to improve the lives of the children they look after.
Bright Spots insight paper: Understanding why you are in care
‘Understanding why you are in care’ explains why this is important to children and young people and shares ideas and resources for how to support them.
Children and Young People’s Views on Being in Care: A Literature Review
Literature review which informed the development of the ‘Your Life, Your Care’ survey.