Resource Type
Local Authority
Achieving 80% response rate in the Bright Spots Your Life Beyond Care survey
A presentation from Isle of Wight Council about the effective strategy they used to hear from as many of their young people as possible.
Changing professional language to reduce stigma in Kent
Kent’s children in care council identified that the language some professionals used felt stigmatizing, so they suggested some changes.
Build Our Futures children in care council – video highlights
A video highlighting the work of Suffolk's CiCC, including creating a training for social workers, and advising on the Corporate Parenting Strategy.
What do children in care tell us is important to their well-being?
This short video explains what children in care say is most important to them including topics such as having trusting relationships, pets, friends and having fun.
Measuring Outcomes for Care Leavers
Brights Spots findings were used to make recommendations on how to improve the measures currently in use by local authorities for their care leavers.
Disability, disparity and demand report
Analysis of the numbers and experiences of children in care and care leavers with a disability or long-term health condition.
Integrating Bright Spots into Community Parenting Strategy
Sheffield have used their recent Bright Spots findings to structure their new Community Parenting Strategy. This means that what matters to children and young people in and leaving care is at the very centre of what they do as corporate parents.
Engaging non-verbal children in West Sussex
West Sussex supported a disabled young person to answer questions from the Your Life, Your care survey, by adapting questions into picture cards.
Stable Homes, Built on Love: Participation workers
A session for workers who support participation and engagement within children’s social care to share what is working well and what the barriers are to good participation and engagement.
Stable Homes, Built on Love: experiences of residential care
What do young people with experience of residential care think about proposals outlined in ‘Stable Homes, Built on Love’ and what would they like from staff and leaders within residential care?