How can Bright Spots unlock ‘Stable Homes, Built On Love’?

How do local authorities develop services for children in care and care leavers that are actually focused on what they say is most important to them?

In this webinar, Coram Voice share some of the key learning from the Bright Spots Programme which, as of 2023, has helped 80 local authorities across the UK, to listen to what makes life good for more than 24,000 care-experienced children and young people.

The webinar explores how Bright Spots can help local authorities meet the requirements of the new Ofsted judgement on leaving care, as well as the expectations set by the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care and the response from the Department for Education.

Hear from three local authorities who have used Bright Spots to embed the voices of care-experienced children and young people into their services and plans for the future.

And also hear from Ofsted who, alongside the Department for Education, recognise and highlight Bright Spots as an effective means of listening to your children and young people and for driving service development.

This webinar originally took place in June 2023.

Read and download the slides from this webinar

Slide deck (PDF 9MB)