In recent years North Yorkshire have focused on improving the quality of young people’s pathway plans– initially to ensure they were done in a timely fashion and then to tailor them to the specific and current needs of young people.
The leaving care team reflected how, in the past, they worked hard to ensure that pathway plans were completed in a timely fashion. In more recent years, they have focused on ensuring that the plans are more relevant to the needs of the young person and their specific situation. In line with case law they recognised the pathway plan as a contract with young people.
As per statutory guidance additional reviews of pathway plans are carried out when there has been a significant change in a young person circumstances such as the risk of losing their accommodation/ liberty or where a care leavers child is subject to safeguarding arrangements. There is also an emphasis on ensuring that plans are updated prior to a young person release from custody to ensure they have effective support plans.
Information is available to young people about the support that is on offer so it can be included in their pathway plan e.g. through Facebook, the Local Offer and mapping the different accommodation options and routes.
The wording of the plans has changed to make them more personalized using ‘I will’ rather than the ‘young person will’. A consultation document has helped to ensure that the young person’s views are gathered, but there is a real focus to ensure this is used positively and does not become another tick box exercise.
Importantly as Ofsted have noted ’These plans did not detract from the care leavers’ service being responsive to the young people and ensuring that their needs are being met’.
What difference is it making?
More care leavers in North Yorkshire reported feeling involved all or most of the time in their pathway planning compared to care leavers nationally (73% vs. 62%). This is a Bright Spot of practice.