Integrating Bright Spots into Community Parenting Strategy
Sheffield have used their recent Bright Spots findings to structure their new Community Parenting Strategy. This means that what matters to children and young people in and leaving care is at the very centre of what they do as corporate parents.
Engaging young people in the future of Somerset’s children’s homes
Somerset in Care and Somerset Leaving Care Councils won first place in our Collaboration category in the A National Voice awards 2023 for a project engaging young people in planning the future of the county's residential children's homes
Street Sessions: building the skills and confidence of care leavers in North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire ran a 10-week course for care leavers which helped them improve their self-esteem and practical skills.
Engaging non-verbal children in West Sussex
West Sussex supported a disabled young person to answer questions from the Your Life, Your care survey, by adapting questions into picture cards.
Achieving 80% response rate in the Bright Spots Your Life Beyond Care survey
A presentation from Isle of Wight Council about the effective strategy they used to hear from as many of their young people as possible.
Increasing children and young people’s involvement in the Bright Spots surveys
A presentation from Hertfordshire County Council about their project management approach to running the Bright Spots children in care survey.
Keeping in Touch: looked after children and young people’s views on their contact arrangements
Professor Julie Selwyn and Shirley Lewis share important insights into children in care’s views on staying connected with family.
Exploring the stigma of care experience in school
West Sussex Children in Care Council held workshops on addressing stigma at school, focusing particularly on children being taken out of class.
10,000 Voices: The views of children in care on their well-being report
This Bright Spots report analyses responses from children in care aged 4- 18 years to the Your Life Your Care survey between 2016 and 2021. The report gives an insight into children in care’s subjective wellbeing and what they feel makes their lives good.
Helping children locate and connect with people who are important to them
Dechaun Malcolm, Children’s Rights Officer for Southwark Council, talks about Reconnect, a service that helps children and young people aged 5-25 in Southwark to locate and connect with people who are important to them.