We are today (19 August 2022) launching a consultation alongside National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) to hear from care experienced children and young people on some of the recommendations from the Independent Review of Social Care, including discussion around advocacy, Independent Visitors and care experience as a protected characteristic.
In order to find out about what young people think, we have designed survey and a downloadable pack for participation groups that work with children in care and care leavers to choose the topics to discuss. We want to make sure that Government hears from as many children and young people as possible while they are deciding which recommendations they take forward.
We will be sharing everything collected directly to Government but will also be creating our own report on what children and young people from all across England have had to say and what the important messages for Government are.
To take part you can get involved in our survey and download our pack and monitoring form.
We will also be holding three workshops for young people to take part in
- Workshop 1 on Advocacy for young people aged 11-17 (20th Sept)
- Workshop 2 on Independent visitors for young people aged 11-17 (22nd Sept)
- Workshop 3 on Protected characteristics for young people aged 11-17 (28th Sept)
- These workshops are open to young people to sign-up themselves or with the help of a professional.
- Every contribution to the workshops will be reported anonymously
- All sessions will take place on Zoom (online)
- Attendees can join one or more sessions
- The Department for Education will be in attendance to listen to what you have to say
- You can also fill out this survey if you are unable to attend the workshop or if you have more to contribute in addition to the workshop. Feel free to share this with your friends or colleagues.