Our Advocacy Helpline is here to help you if Coram Voice provides your local advocacy service. Our specialist advocacy projects may also be able to help you if you are homeless or have a disability.
Read moreContact our Advocacy Helpline

An Advocate works to help and support you and makes sure you are involved in all decisions about your life.
Read moreWhat is an Advocate and how can they help me?

Find your local advocate and find out more about advocates if you're in secure
Read moreHow do I find an Advocate in my local area?

AdvoCat helps put children and young people in touch with an ‘Advocate’, someone who is here to make sure your voice is heard loud and clear.
Read moreMeet AdvoCat, your advocacy superhero!

An Independent Visitor (sometimes called an "IV") is an adult who is there just for you. They are not social workers and are not part of Children’s Services. They're not paid to be Independent Visitors. They are more like a friend - someone who you meet up with regularly, have fun with and do things together.
Read moreWhat is an Independent Visitor?

Your Advocate will help and support you and answer any questions you may have.
Read moreWhat can I expect from my Advocate?

All the information you share with us is confidential (private) unless you agree to us sharing it with someone.
Read moreWill you keep what I say private?

At Coram Voice we love to hear what you think about the support we give you, good or bad, please let us know.
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