Resource Type
Local Authority
Achieving 80% response rate in the Bright Spots Your Life Beyond Care survey
A presentation from Isle of Wight Council about the effective strategy they used to hear from as many of their young people as possible.
Increasing children and young people’s involvement in the Bright Spots surveys
A presentation from Hertfordshire County Council about their project management approach to running the Bright Spots children in care survey.
10,000 Voices: The views of children in care on their well-being report
This Bright Spots report analyses responses from children in care aged 4- 18 years to the Your Life Your Care survey between 2016 and 2021. The report gives an insight into children in care’s subjective wellbeing and what they feel makes their lives good.
Voice, data and measuring what matters to children: learning from the Bright Spots Programme
Coram Voice co-authored reports for the DfE exploring how to capture youth voice in children's social care data by drawing on learning from the Bright Spots Programme.
East Riding: Understanding why you are in care using pathway planning
East Riding's pathway planning process involves asking young people, ‘Do you have any questions about why you became looked after?’.
Understanding What Makes Life Good for Children in Care and Care Leavers: Improving Wellbeing
A webinar about the origins of the Bright Spots Programme, some of the national findings and examples of local authority work.
How can the Bright Spots surveys help local authorities to hear young people’s voices?
Hear how findings from an evaluation of the Bright Spots Programme told us about how local authorities can effectively listen to the voices of their children and young people.
The impact of the Bright Spots Programme in Bromley
Hear from colleagues in Bromley about how they worked with their Bright Spots survey findings to ensure the voices of their young people were heard.
The impact of the Bright Spots Programme in Dorset
Hear from Dorset Council about how they worked with their Bright Spots survey findings to ensure the voices of their young people were heard in service improvement.