Resource Type
Local Authority
Coram Voice: 50 years of getting young voices heard
In 2025 Coram Voice celebrates its 50th anniversary. This report celebrates our achievements and highlights our ambitions for the future.
The Door is Still Closed
Why 16- and 17-year-old homeless children are missing out on support they are entitled to
The Grand Campaign
This A National Voice report looks at problems with the Setting Up Home Allowance for care leavers
Disability, disparity and demand report
Analysis of the numbers and experiences of children in care and care leavers with a disability or long-term health condition.
The Big Listen: care-experienced children and young people response
Coram Voice helped Ofsted to hear from children and young people with care experience as part of the Big Listen.
Voices Anthology 2024
Shortlisted entries from Voices 2024 the creative writing competition for children in care and care leavers on the theme: What makes me different?
Always Heard Report 2022
An overview of how the service has performed in the last year and the barriers faced by children and young people in care who have accessed the service.
Non-Instructed Advocacy for Children and Young People
This publication describes how we work with children and young people who, for a range of reasons, are unable to instruct an advocate to uphold their rights, wishes and feelings.
Secure Accommodation Reviews: a good practice guide
This good practice guide has been developed as a reference tool for professionals involved in Secure Accommodation Reviews for young people held in secure accommodation for welfare reasons, under Section 25 of the Children Act 1989.