You are an "eligible child" if you are aged 16 or 17 and you are still in care.
Read moreMy rights as an eligible child

You are a "relevant child" if you are aged 16 or 17, but you left care on or after your 16th birthday.
Read moreMy rights as a relevant child

You are a "former relevant child" if you are aged 18 up to age 25 and you were in care on or after your 16th birthday.
Read moreMy rights as a former relevant child

You are a "qualifying care leaver" if you are aged 16–21 (up to age 25 if you're in education) and were in care for a short time on or after your 16th birthday.
Read moreMy rights as a qualifying care leaver

If you are unsure you are a care leaver, take our easy quiz to find out if you are and what support you should get.
Read moreAm I a care leaver?

Questions and answers for care leavers with disabilities.
Read moreQuestions and answers for care leavers with disabilities
Sorted and Supported
For a full guide to your leaving care rights and entitlements, take a look at our Sorted and Supported booklet.
Download Sorted and Supported (PDF, 7MB)