Care Leavers Week 2022

Today marks the start of Care Leavers Week 2022. We want to take this opportunity to celebrate young care leavers and make sure they get their voices heard. We have a number of events and a range of content lined up throughout the week, including our A National Voice ‘Amplify’ event where chi

Become an ANV Ambassador for 2022-2023

We are looking for a new group of ambassadors for 2022-23 to drive the work of A National Voice by using the results from a national survey which all children in care and care leavers will have had the opportunity to participate in. Ambassadors will start their year with training and skills to prepa

I don’t like where I live

It’s important that you are happy where you live. When you first move placement it can feel strange to be living in a new place and this can make you feel unsettled for a little while. Sometimes you might be unhappy even after you have had time to settle in. There are lots of reasons why y

Return Interviews

Coram Voice provide skilled return home interviewers who work with young people who go missing from home or care.  Our return home interviewers  are highly trained in communicating with children, building a trusted relationship and have a good knowledge of risk indicators. To find out how we