ANV awards 2022

The A National Voice Awards champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. We invited care experienced children an young people to share the work and projects they had been working on and we had some really outstanding entries that showed true creativity and i

Independent Persons for Secure Accommodation Reviews

Coram Voice is the main provider of Independent Persons for Secure Reviews in England and Wales. Our Independent Persons are experts in Secure Accommodation Panels, they have been selected, trained and DBS checked in accordance with Coram Voice’s rigorous procedures and ensure that the young pers

Stable Homes, Built on Love: Staying connected to families and friends

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to care-experienced children and young individuals for our upcoming engagement session, with The Department for Education. This session will focus on staying connected to family and friends. All details, including the session plan, will be shared nearer to