In this video, Tracey Hopps, Leaving Care Team Manager, discusses this case study and shares its impact on care leavers in North Tyneside.


North Tyneside wanted to identify priority areas to focus on in their New Belongings action plan. Covid had made it difficult to bring together care leavers for workshops and discussion and these groups tended to have a more narrow range of young people engaged.


+ 46% of care leavers had completed the Your Life Beyond Care survey exploring what life was like for care leavers.

+ A video of key findings from the survey was emailed to all care leavers and posted on social media.

+ Workers were asked to discuss the video with 4 or 5 young people and ask them ‘What does North Tyneside need to change?’.


+ Workers spoke with a range of young people with different experiences—not just the more engaged young people.

+ Care leavers’ views were collected and these set the priorities for the action plan to improve services for care leavers.