The Bright Spots indicators were co-produced with care leavers to reflect what they felt made their lives good. We ask questions about the indicators in the Your Life Beyond Care survey to explore care leavers’ subjective well-being. The surveys also include some core well-being measures that are used in other national surveys so that we can compare care leavers’ well-being to young people in the general population.
When developing policy and practice in the care system, the key question should be – will children in care and care leavers feel that their lives got better as a result? Focusing more on the Bright Spots indicators can help establish a care system that not only keeps children and young people safe, but helps them to flourish, by designing services and providing support focused on what well-being is to them.
We have also developed Bright Spots indicators for children in care.
To learn more about the indicators have a look at our Bright Spots publications or read The Voices of Children in Care and Care Leavers on What Makes Life Good.