
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – South London Refugee Association were nominated for the ‘Community award’.


The South London Refugee Association run a group for care-experienced young people. The work was one of the winners at the ANV awards with young people judges saying: “It’s really nice to hear there is a dedicated group for care-experienced migrants. It’s important they have good representation… The young people clearly advocate for themselves really well, we really love this group, their set-up and the work that they are doing. Particularly because language barriers
can be quite difficult so to see the amazing outcomes proves this can be overcome. Really good job”.


To help them meet their aim – to get young migrant voices heard and to advocate for change – the group have attended leadership training. Recent success has included: meeting with government care review team and attending the Houses of Parliament for the ‘It’s Our Care’ day: “I felt very good and powerful because I was representing myself and many other young people that didn’t have the opportunity to be there.”

The group makes a big difference to the lives of those who take part – as this young person said: “In this group we feel we belong, we feel safe and we feel proud.”