Summary: Following the Bright Spots findings the children in care council decided to prioritise positive body image; they have worked on blogs, art & photography projects, established the first Black History month & ‘Girl power’ project has been developed.


Poor body image is associated with low self-esteem, depression and self-harm.

The Bright Spot survey findings in Bromley showed that compared to their peers looked after young people were twice as likely to be unhappy with their appearance; feeling this way was associated with low well-being. The children in care council decided to focus on issues related to identity and positive self-esteem.

What did they do?

The Children in care council picked ‘positive body image ‘ as one of the topics to discuss at the Bright Spots findings session with over 50 representatives from across the council. They discussed why it was an important area explaining it was linked to confidence, being comfortable and proud of self. Young people thought Bromley could help by holding more peer workshops, complimenting young people more and provide more access to fun /leisure things to do.

The Bright Spots findings showed that of those who didn’t like how they looked, all but one was female. In Summer 2000 a new ‘Girl Power’ project for young girls in care was started: all about self-esteem, self-respect & healthy relationships. The sessions are full of games, discussion & role play.

Bromley also delivered a series of online conversations about Race and Racism with their young people over the summer period which led to the participation service organising their first Black History Month events. As part of this work a film was created by young people on Race & Identity and a movie discussion night was held. The film is all about noticing feelings and the impact of race on identity. There were also poetry, cultural clothing,

What difference is it making?

The entries to the photography competition on Race & Identity were auctioned and monies raised (over £1200) now support home warming gifts from the children in care council to care leavers moving into their first home.

The film on race & identify is used in staff & foster carer training. Feedback from the Girl Power project first 7 participants was positive: “I am very satisfied with this project and it has made me love myself for me”. The project will run again in April 2021.