Over a quarter of care leavers (26%) in Bromley reported they had been ‘often or always lonely in the last few weeks: a much higher proportion than their peers in the general population.

Bromley prioritised care leavers in their strategic council wide action on loneliness and during lockdown developed a range of online activities to combat isolation.


The Bright Spots findings revealed a high proportion of care leavers felt lonely – more than a quarter (26%) had ‘always’ or ‘often’ felt lonely in previous weeks – a much higher rate than is reported by peers (10%) aged 16 to 25yrs in the general population.


The Brightspots surveys were originally commissioned following an inadequate Ofsted inspection. They are seen as an integral part of
Bromley’s improvement journey and a key way to understand how their
young people are really feeling.

The Bright Spots survey results have helped the leaving care service
secure a council property that they will convert into a drop in space for young people (though plans are temporarily on hold due to Covid-19).

During lockdown Bromley prioritised updating their children in care & care leaver website to make it mobile friendly, up to date & go to place for information on activities doing to help tackle loneliness (e.g. art and tiktok competitions & virtual cooking sessions, quizzes & young parent group).


Bright Spots provided an evidence base for extending service and platform to engage partners. It has been an important opportunity for care leavers to shape service delivery.

Bromley will repeat the Bright Spots survey in 2020-2021, two years since the first, to see if there has been improvement in how care leavers are feeling.