
The Care Leaver Service Delivery Group is responsible for overseeing service improvement for care leavers including the implementation of the New Belongings action plan.


Dorset had set up groups of care experienced young people, Task Force Leaders, who meet with managers from a range of services to develop their New Belongings action plan.

+ When the Task force leaders met with the council’s Chief Executive and Director of Children’s (DCS) service they expressed their concerns about drift and delay in implementing the New Belongings plans.

+ To address this the DCS set up the ‘Care Leavers Service Delivery Group’ which is chaired by an elected member with a responsibility for children services and is attended by senior managers from a range of services including health and housing. The delivery group reports to the Corporate Parenting Board.

+ The delivery group has adopted the New Belongings action plan. This plan will be updated using the findings from the 2022 YLBC and self-assessment and further involvement of young people.


The delivery group has made some tangible differences – it led to an increase in the number of Personal Advisors and increased access to children in care nurse, as well as improvement in accommodation options.