
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Suffolk’s children in care council were nominated for the ‘Campaign award’.


A short film describes more about the work of C2C (Chat to Change group) – including campaigning to improve the lives of children in care. Some of the things they’ve worked on include:
• Coming into care packs – the group did lots of fundraising to support this and also made a film to describe more about what it’s like to come into care in Suffolk C2C Coming into Care 2020.
• ‘Watch your words’ – campaign to change some of the language used about children in care. They have developed posters & are visiting teams to talk to everyone about this issue.
‘It’s not like Tracy Beaker’ film & resource pack – to be shared in schools aimed at both students and staff – they’ve developed a workshop to accompany the film which will be delivered in school assemblies & lessons.


The joint chair of C2C said: “Coming into Care pack, that had a range of activities and necessities a young person may need when they first come into care.… has been successful and is being given out to all new children and young people who come into care in Suffolk.…Being a part of C2C also allows you to broaden your horizons and learn new skills by connecting you to different groups.”