
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – York’s children in care council were nominated for the ‘Voice award’.


York’s care leaver forum have been: “Confident and bold in changing policy and challenging decision-makers in relation to housing.” Based on listening to the lived experiences of others, they felt the housing service did not fully understand their corporate parenting responsibilities.

The work was praised by the young people judges: “Young people clearly had a big impact the fact they changed the protocol…an amazing cause and nationally needs to be done and focused on.”


A new housing protocol, informed by young people, has been introduced – it aims to make the housing experiences of care leavers locally much better.

• It clearly emphasises the corporate parenting duties of housing colleagues
• It explains the roles & responsibilities towards care experienced young people
• It identifies how the needs of young people can be met by the pathway team & housing service working together.

To make sure the work is embedded in practice, young people have developed training on corporate parenting which they have delivered to housing staff.