
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Wandsworth children in care council were nominated for the ‘Voice’ and ‘Participation’ award’


Wandsworth young people describe their work as all about “coming together, using our lived experience to better the system and push different ideas that would make the care experience smoother”. CLICK have worked on lots of different things:
• ‘Transition boxes’ – to help as young people move out of care
• Pledge
• Fostering recruitment

The work was praised by the young people judges: “We’re glad that young people are getting a safe space to open up and use their voice for the good…all the young people were talking about how it made them feel, it felt emotive”


CLICK deliver lots of training to professionals across Wandsworth: e.g. virtual school, corporate parenting board. Links with senior leadership are strong: “Children are actively encouraged to take part in one of the participation groups. These groups combine a healthy mix of social activities and consideration of
issues relevant to their experience in care. Their voices are heard at the corporate parenting panel, and senior managers interact positively with these groups.”

Wandsworth’s OFSTED inspection – November 2022

For young people it’s also about having fun, making friends, seeing brothers and sisters, community & making a difference.