
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Peterborough & Cambridgeshire Children in Care Councils were nominated for the ‘Voice award’.


Care experienced young people aged 12 up to 21 came together to work on this project. The first part of the work involved listening to lots of other young people about their views on what qualities they value in the people who support them (foster carers and workers).

After this there was lots of hard work as everyone worked together to develop scripts, choose animation styles and visits to the recording studio to record voices overs. The result is the two new animated films.


The films are now part of recruitment, training and inductions and have been shared with professionals working with children in meetings and at conferences. The work ensures that young people’s voice is at the centre of training for carers and professionals.

Feedback has been very good: both prospective carers and workers have commented on how powerful the film is and reflected on how they can incorporate
messages from the film into their practice. Young people taking part had a great time, overcoming challenges such as nerves and in the process learnt news skills such as script writing, scene setting and voice over recording.