
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Medway children in care council (MCYPC) were nominated for the ‘Voice award’.


MCYPC is a forum where young people in Medway’s care can come together – they meet with the Director of Children’s Services and other senior managers – they discuss issues and concerns about the care system & suggest changes and help with the future developments of these improvements.

They include young people in lots of ways: surveys, online activities, workshops, fun activities and 1-2-1 sessions. The group have agreed 5 annual corporate parenting board themes, they have a timetable & work on one area at a time – corporate parents agree 3 actions per theme to act upon what young people have said:

1. Health and support
2. Feeling safe & cared for
3. Education & work
4. Home & housing
5. Feeling listened to


The corporate parenting board take the time to get to know young people in care & care leavers – they make sure they say goodbye if they move on & hold regular informal events & invite corporate parents to hang out with them (on their terms).

MCYPC co-deliver training to workers to help them understand the needs of young people. They have also helped shape the job descriptions for social workers – creating Top 10 Professional Standards for social workers that were important to them. The board has been praised by Ofsted: “A well-organised corporate parenting board, with members who listen carefully to the views of the highly impressive Children in Care Council, continues with its commitment tofulfil its corporate responsibilities.”