
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Dudley children in care council were nominated for the ‘Voice award’


Members of both the Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum have undertaken Podcast Training to create two streams of Podcasts to share; the first ‘Time to Talk Podcast’ consists of conversations about topics they feel are most important to them (such as mental health, living independently and accessing education).

The second podcast, called ‘A Conversation With…Podcast’ provides a platform for care leavers to share their journeys or give them an opportunity to interview special guests who have helpful advice to share.

Dudley Children’s Services presents… | Podcast on Spotify

The work was praised in the ANV awards with young people judges saying:

“Thank you for this awesome nomination! We loved the idea of the podcast and will definitely be tuning in! Podcasts are really popular right not so it’s a good way for furthering reach.”


Making the podcasts has led to young people learning new skills e.g. presenting, interviewing, knowledge of how to use recording equipment. It’s led to increased confidence and self-esteem. Importantly young people report they feel listened to.

The podcasts have received great feedback from both young people and multi-agency professionals. Dudley Children’s services have brought together some of the key messages from the many projects CICC have undertaken (including the podcast) to create the ‘Hear my Story, Hear my Voice – A Dudley Voice of the Child workshop.’

The workshop provides practitioners time to reflect upon the experiences of care-experienced young people and how their practice can impact upon their lives. At the end of the session practitioners are asked to make practice pledges to young people.