
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Wigan children in care council were nominated for the ‘Campaign award’.


The national campaign resonated with the experiences of some members of the ‘Million Voices’ group – they wanted to eradicate children moving with bin bags. They worked with senior leaders in the council and persuaded them to sign up to the ‘My Things Matter’ national campaign pledge to:

1. Keep their most precious belongings safe during their move and promise they will not be moved in bin bags.
2. Provide written guidance for them and anyone helping them to move.
3. Never move or throw away their belongings without their consent and always respect their personal property.
4. Support them to make a complaint if any of their belongings have been lost or damaged during their move.
5. Communicate with them about their move and ask how the move went.

Young people’s judges said: “It’s also good that leaders are pledging their support.”


Wigan have received 80 bags from Madlug – the group have personalised
these with a small luggage tag carrying an inspiring message. Bags have been
place in easily accessible locations & staff alerted to the location of the bags so
they can use them when their young people are moving at short notice.