Using a new training workshop called ‘Finding the Right Words’, Southampton set out to help professionals help children understand the reasons why they are in care.


Southampton’s Bright Spots survey results showed that some children did not feel that an adult had explained to them why they were looked after.

What did they do?

Southampton launched an all service training package called ‘Finding the right words’. The session’s aim was to help provide a reflective workshop space for workers whilst also giving workers their own toolkits for explaining why children are in care.

In March, the workshop was reported to have more than 60 staff in training. The training has offered a ‘reflective space to try out and work together on ways to communicate difficult experiences’.

As part of the work a video has been made in partnership with a Southampton care leaver who shares the impact of not having a solid explanation of when he came into care and how he created his own narrative to manage this.

What difference is it making?

The feedback from the events has been positive though people wanted it to be longer (currently 3 hours long). The training has become is a core part of the training offer. There are now plans to run the training for new starters and as a refresher for those who want it.